我认为学生在A的最大优势&移动商务 is the opportunity to participate in research labs.


  • 教师
皇冠体育365赌博&M University-商务

16岁的时候, Lawrence 天使 believed he would not need a higher education degree to make a living in the United Kingdom. 尽管如此, he found himself struggling to get by until he was hired at a photography shop where he became motivated to further his education. 25岁的时候, 安吉尔开始重新接受高等教育, completing an environmental and life sciences access course which prepared him for studies in environmental chemistry with North American Studies at Sussex University. This set him on a path of learning, exploration and research that continues to this day. 他在A&移动商务, 安吉尔对这所大学做出了很大的贡献, conducting research in instrumental analysis and high-performance computation modeling. He has also received several grants to continue his chemistry research.

与医生的对话. 天使

What would you tell a student who is thinking about attending A&移动商务?

我认为学生在A的最大优势&移动商务 is the opportunity to participate in research labs. 学生 should be able to apply what they have learned in class to real-world problems. 通过获得实践经验, students will fully understand the theories and the practicalities of chemistry. 雇主s prefer employees who have some applied experience. When a student is able to discuss research with others, they really stand out!


When I began my studies, chemistry was a popular area of study. I minored in North American studies and majored in environmental science. I believe it should have been called environmental chemistry instead of science due to all the chemistry-related courses, 虽然! My professor at Sussex helped me pursue my doctorate in instrumental physical analysis, 强调化学. I was able to tie in my environmental background by conducting atmospheric research, 强调了这一点, 我转到了化学专业.


从我教过的所有课程中, 我最喜欢教普通化学, 尽管这和我的研究无关. 教一群学生是很值得的. I also find that undergraduate courses give me the ability to have a bit more fun because I know the content by heart. 它让我可以即兴发挥,而不是按照剧本来.

Tell us about a project you are currently working on or recently completed.

I am currently in the process of using an instrumental technique in therapeutic metal lines. I am looking into health and remedies as some diseases in the body can break down and oxidize tissue. One of the treatments is to intravenously introduce a strong coagulation agent. Additional therapy is needed to help bind up the excess amount of metal lines, such as copper. The body will excrete the bound copper to decrease the amount of it present in the body. Another instrumental technique combines ion mobility and mass spectrometry by preparing peptides with copper to find out which peptides have the highest binding capability to a specific metal. My research group and I have been working with peptides for the last eight years because there is such a variety of them to test.


During my undergraduate work in the UK, I studied a year abroad in Stonybrook, Long Island. I was very excited to see a new country and have the opportunity to travel. 这是一次很棒的经历! 我回到英国,开始了我的博士研究. My area of research had many connections with international research, especially in North America. I traveled several times to America and met many professors in similar fields. I realized that America had a lot of availability for post-doctoral research in chemistry. 这一直是我感兴趣的事情, 完成博士学位后, 我在内华达大学找到了一个职位.


  • Ph.D.,化学,苏塞克斯大学,2000
  • 理学学士,环境科学,苏塞克斯大学,1996


  • 德克萨斯大学教授&硕士大学-商业,2019-至今
  • 副教授,2013-2019
  • 内华达大学助理教授,2007-2013
  • Assistant 研究 教授, University of Nevada, 2003-2007


  • 216,267美元,国家科学基金会,2018-2021
  • $291,600, U.S. 能源部资助,2010年
  • 31万美元,国家科学基金,2008-2012


  • 教师 Senate Recognition Award for Professional Excellence: “Fearless Investigation,” TAMUC, 2017
  • 教务长奖:研究和创造性活动,TAMUC, 2011
  • Outstanding 教授 and 研究er EB-1 力a Award, University of Nevada, 2006
  • Ph.D. 菲尔。. 研究 Award, Engineering and 理论物理ical Sciences 研究 Council, UK, 1996-1999


  • 美国质谱学会
  • 美国化学学会


  • Comparison of the pH-dependent formation of His and Cys heptapeptide complexes of nickel(II), 铜(II), and zinc(II) as determined by ion mobility – mass spectrometry Enas N. 优素福和劳伦斯. 天使J. 质谱. 接受于2019年12月13日发表.
  • Weak Acid-Base Interactions of Histidine and Cysteine Affect the Charge States, 三级结构, 七肽的Zn(II)结合 林玉甫,李彦祖,李彦祖. 尤瑟夫,埃夫伦·托雷斯,张林,詹姆斯·M. 扎诺,科尔·B. Donald, Ying Qin和Laurence A. 天使J. Am. Soc. 质量范围. 2019, 30, 2068-2081.
  • Direct Dynamics Simulations of Fragmentation of a Zn(II)-2Cys-2His Oligopeptide. Comparison with 质量范围etry Collision-Induced Dissociation 马利克一. 饶玉富,林玉富,苏伯哈·普拉提哈,劳伦斯·A. 安吉尔和威廉·L. 哈泽J. 理论物理. 化学. 2019, 123, 6868-6885.
  • Ion Mobility – 质量范围etry Techniques for Determining the Structure and Mechanisms of Metal Ion Recognition and Redox Activity of Metal Binding Oligopeptides Enas N. Yousef, Ramakrishna Sesham, Jacob W. 麦凯布,拉杰帕尔·万加拉. 劳伦斯·A. 天使J. 力. 经验值. [151], e60102, doi:10.3791/60102 (2019). 视频网址:http://www.木星.com/video/60102

化学340 定量 & 仪器分析
化学541 高级分析化学
化学441 仪器分析




的一个&移动商务 Department of 化学 is the recent recipient of a grant from The Welch Foundation, one of the nation’s largest private funding sources for chemical research at universities, 德州的大学和其他教育机构. The foundation supports degree programs in chemistry, biochemistry or chemical engineering. 该基金会的部门奖助金计划将奖励A&移动商务[…]
